Have you ever wondered what teachers discuss in the breakroom when they’re not reading through stacks of student essays and tests? Besides the usual topics of grades or lessons, Mitch and Christina often digress into conversations about movies, music and tv. We’re two English teachers who harbor secret hopes of one day becoming famous entertainment world critics. We know we’re a little obsessed, but we’ve accepted it, even embraced it. We’ve created this blog to invite you to join our conversation.

Welcome to The Breakroom.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

American Idol- Shania Week

Quick thoughts on what’s clearly becoming a subpar season of American Idol. What’s weird about tonight is that despite the lack of bad performances, the show still felt flat. Maybe this has to do with my personal indifference towards Shania Twain’s music. I think most of it, however, is owed to my lack of attachment to any contestant not named Crystal. I’ll break down tonight’s show by talking about the positives and the negatives:


Casey, Aaron, and Michael sounded better than ever tonight. Again, I didn’t feel as much electricity from their performances as I thought I should have, but I thought they gave the three best performances of the night. In Casey and Aaron’s cases, this is exactly the kind of music that fits perfectly for them. I haven’t been the biggest Casey fan, but he was the best tonight.


While I agree with Crystal that a bigger song doesn’t always equal a bigger performance, I was a little annoyed when she voiced her opinion during their critiques. I feel like it’s just a part of the show for the singer to grin and bear it while the judges give their opinions.

Was I the only one to find Lee Dewyze vastly overrated tonight? I didn’t think his voice fit that song at all. Sometimes I try to imagine each performance as if it was happening during a big time event like the Grammy’s. So I imagine a world where Lee Dewyze has had some huge success and is performing on a huge stage. If tonight was one of those performances, I would have been extremely confused why this guy was so successful.

I thought the amount of time focused on Shania Twain was distracting. Do you think it’s because she might be a judge next year or because she demanded a lot of face time if she was going to be a mentor? Has any mentor sat that closely behind Simon so that he or she is seen every time he talks?

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