Have you ever wondered what teachers discuss in the breakroom when they’re not reading through stacks of student essays and tests? Besides the usual topics of grades or lessons, Mitch and Christina often digress into conversations about movies, music and tv. We’re two English teachers who harbor secret hopes of one day becoming famous entertainment world critics. We know we’re a little obsessed, but we’ve accepted it, even embraced it. We’ve created this blog to invite you to join our conversation.

Welcome to The Breakroom.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Softball Power Rankings

These power rankings are based on how teams performed in 5 categories including Overall record, overall run differentials, record over the past seven games, run differential over the last seven games, record over last 3 games.

Each category was assigned a certain percentage. For instance, a team's overall record is more important than their record over the past 3 games. That being said, recent performance is important and therefore has a role in determining a team's overall value. The breakdown for each category's weight in the overall formulas is as follows:

Overall Record- 30%
Overall Run Differential- 30%
Record over the past seven games- 20%
Run Differential over the past seven games- 15%
Record over the past three games- 5%

Here are the Pollock's Power Rankings as of 8/27/10

1. Goldfarb- 149.5 points (out of a possible 160 points)
2. Lapine- 144.5
3. Carlin- 132.5
4. Schefkind-118.5
5. Sarcona- 102
6. Mesmer-98.5
7. Randell-98
8. Spiegel- 92.5
9. Younger- 85.5
10. Granese- 84.5
11. Wallman- 83
12. Beilis- 58
13. Harris- 55
14. Feldman-29
15. Applebaum-18.5
16. Sollazzo- 16.5

Coming Soon: Marlboro Softball playoff preview featuring a short breakdown of each series.

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